Sunday, 24 January 2016

Representational Issues

Representation in the horror genre is a controversial topic as horror movies tend to have the most hegemonic representations of certain people - especially through the uses of gender.


Females are almost always portrayed as victims in horror movies. This leads to a perpetuation of misogynistic representations of women as victims as they're "weaker".


Additionally, representations of race in horror movies are extremely one-note as characters in the genre are almost always white. This representation is unrealistic as society is incredibly diverse therefore horror movies neglect to reflect society as it is. This is understandable as horror movies are more concerned with portraying the story and the visceral elements such as jump-scares rather than the social implications of the race/gender of the characters.

Despite this, our group's horror film will be more pluralistic as we will portray a female killer with male victims. This subversion of stereotypes surrounding gender will contribute to a more pluralistic movie.

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